Freeness of judgment and freeness of expectations


I'm going to tell you all a big secret 🤫
40 minutes away there is an enchanting spiritual place called Govinda Valley. A place fully run by volunteers who provide and create the space for yogis, healers, women circles, warrior retreats, education workshops and more.


The work here is called Karma yoga where the volunteers prepare and cook the most delicious vegetarian meals breakfast, lunch, dinner and most importantly Dessert! Karma yoga may also be attending to the organic gardens, house keeping, sewing, administration duties or whatever it is, its all done with LOVE and DEVOTION.


This kind of service is where the manifestations of the law of attraction lies, its also where you find your inner guidance and connect to your powerful energy body. You can heal your pain body and remove the armour that weighs down on your soul. The sounds of nature the laughing kookaburras, the whistle in the wind and the wisdom in the trees will have you feeling alive again... self realization and so many aha moments to be had. 
This sacred place and community evokes freeness of judgments, freeness of social status, freeness of expectations, freeness of pressure, freeness from the should do's and should not's... this is a place to find your true self. 

It does not matter if you volunteer or hold your own retreat or workshop here Govinda valley will enrich your life in ways you can not even imagine. Begin to feel again, start to authentically smile and laugh again, become intimately intune with yourself and others, deepen your sensuality to a point that it brings you a natural high of ecstacy and freedom.


My Govinda Valley journey has just began. There is pure excitement in my body, moments of overwhelming delight because there is just something special about dancing to the beat of your own drum in full view of the world.

A gift for you to enjoy, the beauty in each and every photo to brighten your day.

Always with love


Govinda Valley