Green Therapy


The thing that stands out the most at Govinda Valley is the captivating and vast amount of Nature’s Green within and surrounding the property. Virtually every which way you look, you can’t help but be mesmerised by this incredibly therapeutic colour (in all different shades) and you very quickly realise it's definitely no coincidence that our planet is predominantly filled with it. And then of course mixed in with the Vitamin N (Nature) and medicinal qualities from the abundance of forest that envelops you and you have the perfect prescription for your mind, body and spirit.

Green is known to be a relaxing and emotionally positive colour, that inspires calmness, relaxation, peacefulness and harmony. It is a wonderful balancer of our mental, emotional and physical energies; renewing and restoring us when we feel depleted; revitalising us when we are feeling physically, emotionally or spiritually drained and exhausted.

As you gaze into the Greenness, it's as though the colour draws you in; hypnotising you into its healing energy - calming and soothing you, like a lullaby for the nervous system - a natural sedative and stress-reliever, that gently guides and restores you back to your well-being.

It’s not surprising too, that Green is the colour of the heart chakra - igniting feelings of love, happiness, empathy and the nurturing of oneself and others.  It is also the colour of prosperity and abundance, making us feel secure, supported and free, as well as inspiring creativity, productivity and vitality.

How amazing is Nature's Green

Thank you mother nature and Govinda Valley for giving us so much Green and Nature Therapy. 

And it couldn't be any more perfect for Milkwood, who have been with us for the past two weeks with their fantastic Permaculture and Design Certificate Course. What an ideal environment to do any course in, let alone Permaculture. Wow! And the inGreen-dients must be working, because it's Milkwood's fifth time with us and they'll be back again with us next year. 

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Govinda Valley